Don't use a credit card with a high interest-rate to buy your computer! Finance your computer purchase with the Credit Union and save.
A Credit Union Computer Loan features:
- An amazingly low 9.39% APR1
- 100% financing up to $2,500
- Flexible terms up to 72 months1
- Convenient repayment option (enroll in direct deposit or auto transfer to repay your loan and receive the maximum loan discount)
- No summer payments required2
- No application or hidden fees
National Board Certification Loan
EdFed supports teachers' efforts to gain National Board Certification. Help defray costs with a National Board Certification loan.
Benefits include:
- Loan amounts up to $2,5001
- Take up to 24-months to repay
- Conveniently repay through direct deposit
- Special, low financing available
- No prepayment penalties
- No application service fees
If you are ever short on cash and need an advance before your next paycheck, EdFed has you covered! With a Payday Line of Credit, EdFed will help you meet your financial needs before your official payday. With loan amounts up to $1,0001 and no fees, the EdFed Payday Line of Credit is an excellent alternative to traditional payday loans.
Eligibility Requirements
- Account open at least 120 days before the loan application
- No Bankruptcy within the last 24 months
- No existing delinquent loans with the Credit Union
- Cannot have caused a loss to the Credit Union of any kind
- No prior Payday Lines of Credit closed within six months
Call the Lending Center for more information on our payday loans today! 305-273-LOAN (5626)
A Personal Line of Credit loan is a revolving or open-end credit loan because the length of the loan (term) is not fixed — it's ongoing. As you make payments and pay down the loan balance, you can advance any available amount as you would a credit card. The loan offers low rates and low minimum monthly payments.
Are you worried about unexpected expenses or being in a financial pinch? When you need quick access to cash, the EdFed Signature Loan is here to help.
Lower interest rates are available to members who pledge their share certificates as collateral. You continue to earn dividends on the funds held as collateral.
Lower interest rates are available to members who pledge their savings as collateral. You continue to earn dividends on the funds held as collateral.