graphic Woman smiling sitting in her car with sunglasses
EdFed Auto Advantage
Helping you save hundreds on your next new vehicle purchase!
EdFed Auto Advantage
The Preferred Way to Buy Your Next Car
Don't like to negotiate with dealers or going to the dealership? Our free, no obligation service will help you with your vehicle selection and arrange for your car to be delivered to your home. Our EdFed Auto Advantage representatives will obtain pre-negotiated, low "member-only" pricing from the dealer, and support you with your loan application.
Our EdFed Auto Advantage advisor will find the car you want and negotiate your car purchase.
Step 4
Our EdFed Auto Advantage advisor will arrange for vehicle delivery.
Member Testimonials
I was dreading the hassle of negotiating at the dealership so much that I put off getting a new car for longer than I should have. Once I selected my vehicle and told Raul the additional features I wanted, he had the car ready for me to pick-up on the same day! It couldn't have been easier. I'm so happy my Credit Union offers this service and best of all, it's FREE!
Delivery of the vehicle was fantastic. When I arrived at the dealer, the car had been prepped and was ready ... I only needed to sign. This entire process took less than 30 minutes. I am really enjoying my new car.
This experience was so easy and convenient, it made me want to buy another car.
Before you go to dealerships to argue about pricing and worry about the fine print, come in to see the Credit Union's Auto Buying Service advisor. This fantastic service saves you time, a lot of money and a headache! Best of all, it’s FREE!