Products to help you accomplish your financial goals.
Other Services
Redeem your Savings Bond at the Credit Union.
Due to government regulations effective January 1st, 2012, paper savings bonds will no longer be sold at financial institutions. Savings bonds have gone paperless. You may purchase electronic bonds online at
If you would like more information about Series EE or I bonds, please contact the Credit Union. We can redeem Series EE, E, I, and Savings Notes.
When you need funds that are absolutely guaranteed.
For a minimal charge, you can request a Cashier's Check payable to any company or individual for any dollar amount. Please refer to our Service Fee Schedule for more information.
To purchase a Cashier's Check, visit one of our branches today!
We offer two overdraft services to protect your account from merchant fees, service interruption and potential embarrassment.
Courtesy Pay
Courtesy Pay, an overdraft program included with your Checking Account, pays your checks or Automatic Clearing House (ACH) transactions when your account becomes overdrawn (negative). It covers your overdrafts up to your approved limit, minus any assessed service fees.
Courtesy Pay is an added layer of protection should you accidentally present items for more than you have in your checking account. It is not a line-of-credit loan or an invitation to overdraw your account. For a checking account to qualify, the account must be opened for at least 30 days and be maintained in good standing.
Checks drawn on your account or recurring automated transactions such as monthly utility bills, are automatically covered by Courtesy Pay. However, we cannot pay your EdFed Rewards Visa® Debit or ATM withdrawal transactions that overdraw your account unless you give us permission. Due to Federal regulations, you must opt-in to protect your daily Debit/ATM card transactions.
To opt-in to Courtesy Pay for your EdFed Rewards Visa® Debit/ATM transactions, call our Member Contact Center, visit your nearest Credit Union branch or log into your EdFed 24/SEVEN account at the top right corner of this page and select the Courtesy Pay widget from your dashboard. If you are not registered for EdFed 24/SEVEN, you may opt-in by clicking on the "Register for Courtesy Pay" button located to the right.
The Credit Union will pay overdrafts at its discretion. Overdrafts may not be paid for certain reasons, such as exceeding your overdraft limit. Multiple service fees may be assessed on the same day. You may opt out of either program at any time. If you have any questions, please view our frequently asked questions page.
Overdraft Protection Transfers
Overdraft Protection Transfers is a service automatically included with your Checking Account to help prevent overdrafts. Available funds are automatically transferred from your Prime Savings to cover items presented to your Checking Account, if the funds in your Checking Account at the time of clearing are insufficient. You may also elect to setup Overdraft Protection Transfers from a Special Share, Money Market Account or Personal Line of Credit.
Overdraft Protection Transfers from Prime Savings
With Overdraft Protection Transfers from your Prime Savings, the following items are covered if you do not have sufficient funds in your Checking Account:
Checks drawn on your account
Automatic payments (ACH & bill payments)
Debit card transactions
ATM cash withdrawals
Overdraft Protection Transfers from a Special Share, Money Market or Personal Line of Credit
To link a Special Share, Money Market Account or Personal Line of Credit to your Checking Account for Overdraft Protection Transfers, you may call our Member Contact Center, visit your nearest Credit Union branch.
Click on the button below to view a side-by-side comparison chart of Courtesy Pay and Overdraft Protection Transfers. This chart demonstrates:
An overview of each service
Eligibility requirements
Items that are covered automatically versus items that require your permission
Benefits and Costs associated with each service
Courtesy Pay
EdFed advances the funds to you, as a discretionary courtesy, to cover your overdrafts.
Courtesy Pay is utilized after Overdraft Protection Transfers when:
There are not enough funds available to cover the overdraft
Your transaction limit has been reached for the month
When you do not have an overdraft account setup
Overdraft Protection Transfers
This service automatically transfers money from your Prime Savings to cover your overdrafts. You may also choose for transfers to occur from your Special Share Account(s), Personal Line of Credit or Money Market Account.
This is your first line of defense against overdrafts.
Items Covered Automatically
Courtesy Pay
Checks drawn on your account
Automatic payments (ACH & bill payments)
Overdraft Protection Transfers
Checks drawn on your account
Automatic payments (ACH & bill payments)
Debit card transactions
ATM transactions and cash withdrawals
Items Not Covered — requires member permission
Courtesy Pay
Debit card transactions
ATM transactions and cash withdrawals
In order for these items to be covered, you must opt-in. You may opt-in through Online Banking or by contacting our Member Contact Center.
Overdraft Protection Transfers
Overdraft Protection Transfers from linked Special Share, Line of Credit or Money Market Accounts require your consent. You may customize your settings by visiting a branch or calling our Member Contact Center.
Eligible Accounts
Courtesy Pay
Personal EdFed Checking Accounts which are in good standing are eligible.
Business Accounts are not eligible.
Overdraft Protection Transfers
All EdFed Checking Accounts are eligible.
Additional Requirements
Courtesy Pay
Member must be at least 18 years of age
Account must be in good standing
Account must be open for at least 30 days
If Courtesy Pay is used, the account must be brought to a positive balance within 30 days
Overdraft Protection Transfers
There are no additional requirements.
Courtesy Pay
A service fee will apply when we pay an item that exceeds the available balance in your account.
Overdraft Protection Transfers
There is no charge for Overdraft Protection Transfers.*
Courtesy Pay
Offers additional protection beyond Overdraft Protection Transfers by paying items when you do not have funds available
Avoids potentially embarrassing situations
Protects against additional fees from merchants
Overdraft Protection Transfers
Provides the convenience of automatically transferring funds from your linked account(s) to cover an overdraft
Avoids potentially embarrassing situations
Protects against additional fees from merchants when you have funds available
Greenpath Financial Wellness
Empower Your Financial Future with Greenpath
EdFed has partnered with GreenPath Financial Wellness to help you navigate money and debt challenges with expert advice on household budgeting, credit counseling, and helpful tips to get you on the path to good financial health.
As a valued EdFed member, you have access to a team of certified professionals who will help you reduce your financial stress, lower your debt, and increase savings to help you achieve your financial goals. No matter where you are on the journey to financial wellness, the experts at GreenPath can help you take control of your day-to-day finances to prepare for the unexpected and build a better financial future.
Take the first step in improving financial wellness today. Call GreenPath at 877-337-3399 and speak with a certified financial counselor or utilize the online tools and worksheets available at
GreenPath Financial Wellness can:
Explore options for easing financial stress and achieving financial goals
Discuss your credit and provide tips for improving your credit score
Develop a personal budget plan for you and your household
Discuss methods for reducing your existing debt and payments
Assist with first-time homebuyer counseling
Provide access to online financial education materials and tools
Offer personalized answers to your individual needs
Greenpath Counseling Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. (EST)
8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (EST)
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (EST)
Day/Night Depository
Do you work during business hours or just need to make a quick deposit?
The day/night depository makes things easier for you. Just drop off your deposits anytime, day or night and eliminate any waiting time. For your convenience, the deposits are posted twice daily, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and are available at all of our branches.
Notary Services
Free service to our members that need documents authorized.
From a legal document to a financial transaction, we are here to help you. Proper identification must be presented when using this service and the documents must be signed in the presence of the notary.
Visit any branch and speak to a Member Service Representative.
Safe Deposit Boxes
Excellent for managing your important papers, valuables and cherished possessions.
They are a secure and fire-resistant way of safely storing those items you absolutely cannot lose. Rental charges are considerably less than at other financial institutions. Please check out our Safe Deposit Box service fees. Box Rental payments are deducted from your account annually. Please view the chart below to see which branch has the size you desire*.
Measurements listed as height x width. All boxes have a depth of 21 inches.
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Using Your EdFed Rewards Visa® Debit and Credit Card in other countries?
When traveling abroad, we recommend the following tips:
Before Travel
Contact the Credit Union before traveling internationally to ensure your card transactions are not restricted to your travel destination. Also, providing advance notification of your destination will help ensure that legitimate purchases are approved. It is in your best interest to call our Member Contact Center for updated information prior to your departure. Be aware that VISA® does charge a VISA® International Foreign Currency Conversion Service Fee for processing international transactions.
Memorize your EdFed Rewards Visa® cards' Personal Identification Number (PIN). Memorizing your PIN will help you easily obtain cash from local ATMs. Your EdFed Rewards Visa® card(s) can be used at approximately 1.7 million VISA® and PLUS ATMs worldwide. Caution: For security reasons, never write your PIN on your card(s).
Keep your EdFed Rewards Visa® card account number(s) and the lost/stolen customer service contact telephone number in a safe place (separate from your wallet or handbag).
During Travel
VISA® requires that magnetic-stripe cards be accepted everywhere VISA® is accepted.
In countries that have adopted chip technology, international visitors may continue to use their non-chip enabled cards; most chip terminals will recognize and process a magnetic-stripe card.
If you encounter a merchant who is hesitant to accept a non-chip card for payment, encourage the merchant to swipe the magnetic-stripe card through the terminal and follow the terminal prompts to complete the transaction.
If you are using an unattended rail ticket kiosk or an automated fuel dispenser that does not recognize non-chip cards, present your card to an attendant or agent (e.g., at a ticket window).
In some countries, you may be prompted to enter your PIN at a merchant terminal. It is not necessary to enter a PIN at a merchant location for magnetic stripe cards. You should be able to bypass the PIN request and proceed with the transaction by clicking "OK" on the terminal.
If, for some reason, you are unable to use your EdFed Rewards Visa® card(s) to make a purchase at a merchant location, you should be able to obtain cash from a local ATM.
If any problems or concerns arise pertaining to your EdFed Rewards Visa® card(s), contact the Credit Union by dialing the phone number printed on the back of your card or on your monthly card statement. You may also contact VISA® Global Customer Care Services (locate the toll-free number appropriate for the country in which you are traveling).
Wire Transfers
Electronically transfer funds from one financial institution to another.
Domestic Outgoing Wire Transfers
What you will need
Name of the Financial Institution
ABA (Routing or Transit Number)
Account Number of Recipient
Name and Address on the Recipient's Account
Wire Transfers involving real estate transactions may require additional documents
Use our pre-authorized form (located at all of our branches)
Mail an original signed request to our Kendall Branch to the attention of the Accounting Department.
Outgoing wire requests received by 3:00 PM Monday–Friday will be processed on the same day. Requests received after 3:00 PM Monday–Friday or on Saturday will be processed the following business day.
International Outgoing Wire Transfers
What you will need
International Financial Institution's Full Name and Full Street Address
Swift Code
Beneficiary's IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
Beneficiary's Full Name and Full Street Address on the Account
Purpose of Transaction
How to submit a request
These requests can only be made in person at one of our branches. We cannot accept requests for international wire transfers on Saturday.
Outgoing wire requests received by 3:00 PM Monday–Friday will be processed on the same day.
Incoming Wire Transfers
What you will need to provide the sender:
Our Name
Educational Federal Credit Union
ABA Routing Number
Member Information
Your full name Address as it appears in your account EdFed Account Number
Incoming wires received by 4:00 PM Monday–Thursday or by 5:30 PM Friday will be processed on the same day.
You are now leaving EdFed's website. EdFed cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided by this link or any other associated site. The contents of any site or link not maintained by EdFed does not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards or policies of EdFed.